Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005

Caroline is pointing to the picture of the ocelot on the fridge. She can imitate dogs and has started saying up and down again (according to Cheryl; I have yet to hear it). Restaurant trips may be coming to an end - we took her out to lunch and she yelled (happy yells) most of the time, irritating nearby diners.
Sunday, April 24, 2005

Caroline's nose was running non-stop all weekend, although she didn't seem to mind. Cheryl and I were both feeling pretty miserable, so Caroline was less than fully entertained. We took some good walks yesterday; today was 20 degrees cooler so we only had one quick outdoors excursion. Caroline spent the day playing with her toys, tearing up the Sunday paper, bringing us books to read to her, and learning the word 'ocelot'.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

We took Caroline to Cheryl's second favorite chain Italian restaurant for lunch (Macaroni Grill, recently demoted behind Carraba's which only serves dinner, as we found out the hard way today), and then to visit her buddy Steph, and then on a long walk. Although the camera came along on all our travels, it remained unused. I've been coerced into posting a picture for today, so I just snapped this one of our angel passed out in her crib in a fairly uncomfortable looking position.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Caroline's had two great nights of sleep; hopefully, she's broken of the co-sleeping need. On Sunday night she slept nearly 12 hours without waking us up at all. Last night she woke up for about 5 minutes around midnight, and slept about 11 hours total. This afternoon I've been trying to teach her to play some soccer, but she seems more interested in playing with the leaves on the lawn.
Sunday, April 17, 2005

Caroline barely accepts formula out of a bottle and always refuses water. We've tried a few brands of sippy cups with no luck. One of our friends recommended a cup with a straw (designed for slightly older toddlers) that they use for their 11 month old, and it totally worked. Caroline figured it out very quickly, and apparently was quite thirsty.
Saturday, April 16, 2005

Baby On Board, how I've adored
That sign on my car's windowpane
A bounce in my step, loaded with pep
'Cause I'm driving in the carpool lane.
Call me a square, friend I don't care
'Cause that little yellow sign can't be ignored
I'm tellin' you it's mighty nice
Each trip's a trip to paradise
With my baby on board
- The Be-Sharps
Friday, April 15, 2005
Today was a bad day for our girl. Caroline was very feisty and cranky all day. She's no longer content to be caged and therefore frees herself pretty much at will from any sort of barrier we try to erect between her and the danger zone of freedom in the house. Jay found her wandering into the kitchen holding some of his socks after leaving her safe in her confines just moments earlier. Her return to the perimeter left her angry and yelly and pacing back and forth like an ocelot at the Asheboro Zoo.
Exacerbating the wails protesting her captivity, we think she's teething something fierce. For 45 minutes before she finally gave in to sleep, she screamed purple-faced screams of anger and pain (I think). Through dinner...through her normally delightful bathtime...through pj's...through pre-bed cuddle time... It was exhausting. I gave her some acetominophen and a few Hyland's Teething Tablets, but I don't think anything was helping to ease her discomfort. I was transported back to Caroline's first three months when she spent a good part of her waking hours mad at the cold, cruel world and I was miserably powerless to help her.
Thursday, April 14, 2005

Caroline with Cheryl's classmate, Sam. We went to Cheryl's school's happy hour that featured a loud punk band. Then Caroline and I went to the Warthogs game with Camille (Cheryl stayed behind at the school to participate in a new mother focus group). Around 8:30, Caroline got very tired and I pushed her home. Caroline enjoyed all the attention but was indifferent to the baseball contest. I took only one picture today - this is it.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Monday, April 11, 2005

Caroline and I went to the zoo today with some mothers and children from the MBA Partners' Association. We saw bison, polar bears, gorillas, monkees, snakes, elephants, and my favorite, an ocelot. Caroline enjoyed interacting with the other babies, but I think she was pretty indifferent about the animals. It's a very nice zoo, and it's close by, so I'm sure we'll be going back when she can appreciate it. For now, I'm going to work on getting her to say "ocelot".
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005

We spent the afternoon at Cheryl's program's Spring Fling, with various sporting events, inflatable fair games, and other babies to play with Caroline. She evetually found some pointy sticks, and a for a few minutes before she started putting them in her mouth (and I quickly took them away) she ambled around threateningly.
Thursday, April 07, 2005

Caroline made it another night in her crib. She woke up a few times but cried very little before going back to sleep. She also took a nap in her crib this morning. We gave her an early bath this evening because Cheryl has to head back to school tonight. Right now she's struggling and failing to reach toys that have slipped under the couch.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Caroline's wearing her new summer pajamas tonight, ready to take on the chore of fighting sleep. We're once again trying to get her to sleep the entire night in her crib, and have been very unsuccessful so far. Last night she cried from 10 to 12, falling asleep for brief periods usually slumped in a corner. At one point she was asleep in the middle of her crib completely folded in half - her feet were underneath her head. Cheryl forgot the plan during a trying 3am cry period and brought her to bed. Tonight, so far, we're standing firm.
We're overdue for Mom's little update on Caroline's development:
1. She walks. Well. She can also crawl around like a champ.
2. She lets herself out into the restricted zone by pushing on the SuperYard XT (aka the Freedom Perimeter) when she desires more liberty. It's unnerving to see a wee person move a sheet of plastic that is about 4x her size.
3. She talks. Ok...I'm probably exaggerating a bit, but the girl does say a few words on and off, and understands simple commands. When she wants to. Just like her daddy.
4. The sleeping? Trouble. We're trying to break her again and get her to sleep in her crib, but she's wearing us down with her ability to sit up and stay awake for what is probably hours. Poor thing. Her Grandma Zukowski believes we are making her distrust us; we believe that we need to sleep in order to be good parents, and that her explicit trust of us during the day signifies that Grandma's fears are unnecessary.
5. Breastfeeding is over. I'm a little sad...but I've learned that you can lead a baby to the breast, but you can't make her drink. She's finished, and I've accepted that.
And if anyone has tips on teaching a strong-willed, super-active baby who hates formula how to drink water from a sippy cup, we're all ears. Caroline needs fluids, and we worry (probably unnecessarily) that she isn't getting enough. No signs of problems, but summer is coming, and I want to keep my girl well-hydrated.
Monday, April 04, 2005

Yesterday evening we asked Caroline to go to her Nemo stuffed animal, and she immediately went. We were pretty sure she just got lucky and didn't really understand us, so we repeated the direction a few times with similar results. When I asked her where Nemo was this morning, she went from the other side of our living room and grabbed him. Of course, she doesn't understand anything really useful, like "stop ripping up our W-2 forms" or "don't chew the remote controls" or "mow the lawn." Luckily, the grass isn't very long yet, so she has a week or so to learn that last command.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005

Caroline was definitely not pleased with the wine switcheroo, but you'd think she would have realized I was making the switch because I poured it right in front of her. My next prank - when Caroline pushes open the door, she's going to get this bucket of dirty diapers dumped all over her. Oh, the hilarity!