Friday, April 15, 2005

Today was a bad day for our girl. Caroline was very feisty and cranky all day. She's no longer content to be caged and therefore frees herself pretty much at will from any sort of barrier we try to erect between her and the danger zone of freedom in the house. Jay found her wandering into the kitchen holding some of his socks after leaving her safe in her confines just moments earlier. Her return to the perimeter left her angry and yelly and pacing back and forth like an ocelot at the Asheboro Zoo.

Exacerbating the wails protesting her captivity, we think she's teething something fierce. For 45 minutes before she finally gave in to sleep, she screamed purple-faced screams of anger and pain (I think). Through dinner...through her normally delightful bathtime...through pj's...through pre-bed cuddle time... It was exhausting. I gave her some acetominophen and a few Hyland's Teething Tablets, but I don't think anything was helping to ease her discomfort. I was transported back to Caroline's first three months when she spent a good part of her waking hours mad at the cold, cruel world and I was miserably powerless to help her.


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