Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We went treating around our neighborhood with Emma and Alec. Caroline really gets the holiday this year, and would not let anyone hold her candy bag without a fight, knowing that we would be swiping the good stuff.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm very particular about the way I want things cleaned and (dis)organized around the house. I ask Cheryl to help me with one thing - whatever glasses she brings up with her to bed, I want her to bring down in the morning so I can load them into the dishwasher. After months of reminders, I gave up - she never brings them down. So I think I'll post a weekly picture of the state of her nightstand to hopefully shame her into action.

We had our playgroup Halloween Party today. Tons of food, kids in cute costumes. . . good times.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Caroline and I have some new matching shirts. Since little J Jr. and I have the same hair and eye color, I think it will help my appearance if I start dressing her like me. Or maybe it will hurt her's, but probably not.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

We checked out the new Fresh Market location nearby this morning. Although it was crowded, the checkout lines were short - that's my only criteria for a positive shopping experience. Caroline chose a black and white cookie for a treat. Other than eating the chocolate icing, the cookie was a disappointment for her (but a bonus snack for me).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Unlike her misanthropic dad, Caroline gets very excited for the opportunity to make new friends. It was raining this afternoon so we headed to the gym, and Caroline found a new playmate. He insisted on having his picture taken with her before we headed home.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Playgroup was supposed to be at the Baa Moo Farm this morning, but the weather didn't cooperate. Megan and Paige graciously invited the playgroupians to their place for lunch and to play with their large toy collection.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Caroline loves Candyland, but hates losing (despite the outcome being entirely based on chance). She also doesn't like others to lose either, so now she insists that we play as a team, with each player alternately picking the card to move a single gingerbread man. Not exactly the cutthroat behavior she'll need to get into the best med school...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Caroline's buddy Mikey stopped by for a bit this afternoon as they passed through the area to visit some friends.

We went to Clayton's birthday party this morning. It was quite the event. There were at least 40 kids and their families in attendance, as well as face-painters, fire dancers, Indian storytellers, and a real live deer.

AJ couldn't get enough of this ax.

Behind Emma is the cake. Seriously.

Darcie knows how to throw a party. We're not worthy.

Friday, October 19, 2007

This morning, Caroline spent a good 45 minutes staring outside, fascinated by this stuff called "rain".

Thursday, October 18, 2007

If it's Thursday, we're at the Children's Museum for storytime. Abby was not there today, so Caroline wasn't as excited as usual, but she still had fun riding the horsey in the animal section.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Caroline met Aaron at Miller Park this afternoon for some attempts to injure themselves squabbling within the confines of the tube slide.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ben's sister Scarlett survived Caroline's sometimes overly enthusiastic affections. Caroline is really eager for a younger sibling - but that isn't happening anytime soon.

Caroline got tons of Ben time at play group today at Miller Park. I'm pretty sure all the play groups in Winston made the park their destination today too. Luckily we scored the picnic table, and I acted as a bouncer, forcing the other groups to eat on the uncomfortable benches or the grass.

Since October 1, 2004