Playgroup today was at Miller Park, basically guaranteeing that Caroline will be getting sick very soon.

Playgroup today was at Miller Park, basically guaranteeing that Caroline will be getting sick very soon.
After a late night due to the Little Gym, Caroline woke up today at 6:15am, about an hour before normal. She was all smiles and energy until she decided it was outfit time - apparently, outfit to her means only her favorite pair of jeans. She cried and cried until I put back on her pajamas over her shirt and jeans, and then she promptly laid down on the couch and fell asleep about 9am. I was looking forward to taking an afternoon nap with her, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen now. Maybe I should have shared some of that liter of coffee I drank this morning.
Today Caroline was a little crazy. Whenever she didn't get her way, she'd collapse on the floor and weep, or shake her hands crazily while saying "NO! NO! NO!". There were times when her commands were in direct opposition to her communicated wishes. I suppose it has something to do with her approaching two; however, I, too, share her ability to have no clue what it is that I want Jay to do while yelling at him while he figures it out. These "terrible 2's" should therefore be smooth sailing for Caroline's dad.
After some tears, Caroline decided to accept some new shoes this morning. Her previous favorite, the rhinestone moccasins (likely because she could easily slip them on herself) are now too small and very smelly. I've coveted the pink shoes she's wearing here ever since one of the playgroup kids got a pair. Thanks to frigid weather, we've been forced to find indoor activities. This afternoon we went to the Children's Musuem with Alanah, another happy owner of the sweet pink shoes.
Caroline's eating habits continue to confuse and astound me. Tonight she ate some macaroni and cheese and a lot of butter for dinner. I think she would eat an entire stick of butter if I would let her.
Despite overt fatigue, Caroline protested for over an hour when we tried to force a nap on her this morning. She eventually surrendered, and slept for well over two hours. This afternoon, with the weather breaking into the 60s again, the three of us (except for Cheryl) were excited for a park trip. Despite the forecast for fabulousness, it was gray and windy, so we left after less than hour. It didn't help that no other kids came out to play. This is a photo of Caroline being asked to smile.
It was a bittersweet Polo Park trip for Caroline and Emma this afternoon, as Emma will be leaving tomorrow for a spring break trip up north. After getting sufficiently dirty and sweaty (it was nearly 80 degrees), we were forced to cut our trip a bit short when a very conspicuously sick child decided to play too closely with the girls. He was clearly at the wrong park.
Since October 1, 2004