Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Despite overt fatigue, Caroline protested for over an hour when we tried to force a nap on her this morning. She eventually surrendered, and slept for well over two hours. This afternoon, with the weather breaking into the 60s again, the three of us (except for Cheryl) were excited for a park trip. Despite the forecast for fabulousness, it was gray and windy, so we left after less than hour. It didn't help that no other kids came out to play. This is a photo of Caroline being asked to smile.

Also, we don't think the meningitis is contagious any more; so after skipping a week, Caroline will be returning to playgroup tomorrow.
Update 3/9 - Apparently diaper rash (or diaper dermatitis) is not the same thing as meningitis. My bad. Caroline is OK.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What meningitis?

March 09, 2006 7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, diaper rash & meningitis are so similar...

March 09, 2006 5:00 PM  

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