Thursday, September 30, 2004

Caroline is ready for a day on the town - we went to the mall and to the grocery store. Her mother feels this outfit made her look like a boy, but I think she always looks fabulous.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Grandpa Lerman sitting in his gift to Caroline, a glider chair where we hope not to spend hours each night holding her until she falls asleep.

The paternal grandparents visited today, driven from Florida by the power outages following Hurricane Jeanne.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

For well over half the feeding, Caroline held the bottle herself - something I've been able to do for almost 6 years now, but I'm kind of impressed she can do it too.

She just woke up from her morning nap, and much like her mom, has difficulty transitioning from sleep. I'm heating up 5 ounces now, and it should be about ready...

Monday, September 27, 2004

After a pretty good night with two feedings but no real prolonged noisemaking, Caroline napped from 8 until 9:45. Here she's pictured wearing a lovely sleep sack, my favorite type of outfit.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Zukowski clan head and granddaughter. This was right before they headed back to NJ. We were really glad they came to give us a night out as well as cook us plenty of meals for the upcoming week. Caroline immediately got fussy as soon as they left - it will be three weeks before she gets to see them again.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Caroline appears very happy to have so much attention this weekend as her grandparents and Aunt Cristen came to visit.

So many Zukowskis, surrounding the youngest of their clan.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Caroline again decided the night is meant for partying, and kept letting us know she was awake. Cheryl had a break between her classes, so we walked over to the school for a feeding. She slept most of the way on the walk back, and is now sleeping in her crib.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Caroline ate 4.5 ounces starting at 10am, then fell asleep. Jay ate a ham sandwich starting around 9:45, and is cleaning the office now.

Caroline is learning about cause and effect. She woke Cheryl up multiple times during the night only to request her pacifier be placed back into her mouth. Effect - planned shipment to far off lands. Unfortunately, Caroline doesn't seem all too upset by her punishment. Maybe if I removed her toys...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

While I cleaned house, Caroline read quietly (I wish).

Caroline had all fresh milk yesterday, thus no updates to her blog. Today she woke up around 8:20, after a very fussy night, and ate 4 ounces starting at 8:30.

Monday, September 20, 2004

We're about to head out to the store. Caroline is going to learn to drive today.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Just wanted to post this picture.

Caroline has a new changing table. She's very happy and talkative this morning.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Caroline had an eventful week, but Cheryl was there for most of it so keeping the daily journal was unnecessary. On Thursday, she had her four month medical appointment. We went to Dr. Meyers, a Wake Forest-trained pediatrician. We feel Caroline is in good hands with her new doctor. Caroline received four more shots (three of vaccinations, one just for fun), and took them like a champ, crying very little (future junky?). She's been pretty tired since then, and falls asleep with little protest. We've been enjoying daily walks, either to the school for fresh milk, or to the nearby Circle K - and she's now big enough to face out in the Baby Bjorn and seems to enjoy checking out our small part of the world. It's extremely green and teeming with life here, unlike San Diego. Here she is, a few minutes ago, sleeping in her crib and dreaming of more karaoke serenades.

Yesterday was Caroline's big 4 month checkup. She weighed in at 12lb 7.6oz and measured 24.75 inches tall. The poor dear also got 4 shots, so today she's a little feverish and mildly cranky. Her crankiness had nothing on ours last night, however, when a nearby transformer blew leaving us powerless from 6pm through 4:30am. Since the air felt like shower steam, I really missed the air conditioning. I also sat and stared at the helpless, silent TiVO who wanted nothing more than to record The Apprentice for me. Luckily, TiVO will get his chance when it re-reuns. He was the saddest of us all during Caroline's first blackout.

Caroline has been asleep for the last two days.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

No sleep for us.

Caroline apparently no longer needs sleep at night. She ate about 4 ounces starting at 8:30, and now we're planning a shopping trip.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Caroline decided she wanted to talk, a lot, at around 4am. Thus she's in her prison outfit this morning, and banished to the Phantom Zone.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Caroline is 4 months old today. She was extremely fussy all day. We believe she's teething - Cheryl felt some ridges on her lower gum. If Caroline could talk or communicate in any way, I'm sure she would have given a shoutout for Grandparents' Day.

Friday, September 10, 2004

She ate another 4 ounces starting at about 11:40.

It's tough being the boss. She's been napping for about an hour now.

Caroline woke up at 7:50, ate about 4 ounces starting at 8, was read a book and heard three mangled karaoke songs, and is now back in her crib, attempting a nap.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

After nearly 3 hours of classtime for Cheryl and 25 minutes for Caroline (trying to get her to say "Daa"), my girls take a well-earned nap.

After a good 30 minutes of karaoke pacification, Caroline decided she could take no more and began striking me. Here she is nursing her hitting fist after delivering her blows. She then ate about 4 ounces starting at 10:05, which put her to sleep.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

She ate another 4 ounces starting at 11:20, and now the karaoke torture is continuing.

She ate 5 ounces starting around 8:10. She's asleep now.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

After standing around and watching the rain for a bit, Caroline was serenaded with some mad karaoke and then took a 45 minute nap. She then ate about 4 ounces starting at noon, and is now getting fussy in her jumperoo.

She ate 4.25 ounces starting at 8:25. Was grabbing the bottle as if she wanted to feed herself. Very cute.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Caroline ate 4.5 ouncs starting at 10:45, and then spit up a lot of it necessitating an outfit change. Aunt Carrie has done most of the Caroline jobs this morning, as I attempt to fix my laptop.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Aunt Carrie was successful. All's quiet.

Aunt Carrie is in town for the weekend. Today we went for lunch at the local Mexican restaurant. Caroline was very well behaved. We then went to Target to pick up some milk and assorted other items. Caroline represented. She was quite angelic. Now, she is wailing after a nap. Aunt Carrie is attempting to comfort her.

Friday, September 03, 2004

She is a waste machine today - within minutes of soiling one outfit, she wet in another and on her bed sheet. Why couldn't she wait until tomorrow when I'm not around?

Thursday, September 02, 2004

At 12:05pm, Caroline rejoined the list. She had a thorough wipedown, a quick bath, a change of clothes and is now sleeping soundly. Carpet cleaning continues, her old outfit and jumperoo fabric are in the wash, and she's made one very happy-to-be-going-away-this-weekend daddy.

She ate 5 ounces starting at 10:30.

She's mad and breaking free of the pillow fortress!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

She ate another 4.5 ounces starting at 3:20 and is now asleep on the couch.

She ate almost 5 ounces starting at 11:45. She's sleeping now.

She's waking up...

Since October 1, 2004