Caroline was a delight to be with today, as long as she was getting her way. It was a busy day. She attended a Christening brunch and then the 2nd birthday party of her playgroup buds Annie and Ellie.
Maybe it was the late night on Friday. Maybe it's that she'll be two in a few short weeks. Maybe she is possessed of a demon from the darkest bowels of hell. I know not what has caused the latest change in our wee one, but it sure ain't pretty. Today she fought us and screamed and yelled and refused to wear clothes and screamed more and removed her shoes in WalMart and made a dining experience at an already downscale establishment even less appealing with her wails and climbing and attempts to drink honey mustard sauce.
Cheryl finished her last classwork yesterday, so she'll be a much larger part of our adventures until she starts working at the beginning of June. The weather was gray, chilly and rainy most of the day, so it was a perfect time for a trip to the mall to find Cheryl a dress for the end of the school year party later this week. This picture has nothing to do with that trip, but it was taken today.
Caroline was inexplicably whiny and demanding for much of the day, nearly driving Cheryl to medicate in the few hours they spent together. At the park, however, Caroline had a great time with her bud Emma, as they practiced their dangerous bleacher running, played with dirty discarded cups and straws, nearly picked plenty of poison ivy, and tried a bit of soccer too.
Caroline seems to be feeling much better today, although she was prescribed her first inhaler at the doctor yesterday for some cold-related wheezing. Although she's still coughing a bit, she seems to be breathing easily in spite of the disgusting phlegminess.
Caroline is most definitely ill, and not handling it well (much like her dad). She had trouble breathing all day, her cough sounds just horrible, and she was burning up between doses of tylenol. Her heartbreaking whining convinced us to allow her to stay with us on the couch well past her bedtime, but eventually she gave in to sleep around 9:30pm. Hopefully she'll sleep well and get a bit better; otherwise, there may be a call to her doctor in the morning.
Other than a bit lethargic, Caroline seemed OK before attending Matthew's 2nd birthday party this morning. However, following her afternoon nap, she became increasingly clingy, developed a nasty cough, and felt like she had a fever. The playgroup park trip did not disappoint.
Since October 1, 2004