Caroline had a rather traumatic visit with Dr. Kribbs (formerly Dr. Myers) this morning. If the two innoculations jabbed into her thigh weren't enough, a finger-prick hemoglobin test definitely pushed her over the edge. She shrieked and flailed for a good 20 minutes, fighting Nurse Amber's attempts to bandage her finger. Despite the pain, Caroline reluctantly accepted a toy duck from her sworn enemy, Nurse Amber, as we left the office. After a quiet car ride home, Jay reported that Caroline passed out on the couch around 10:10 and napped for about an hour and a half.
She is currently all smiles and rainbows, playing with some change that she's putting in and out of her jeans pockets. It seems she's not holding this morning's torturous events against us.
Oh, yes. Her 18 month stats:
Head: 18.75 inches - 75th%ile
Height: 32.5 inches - 75th%ile
Weight: 20 lbs. 6 oz. - 3-5%ile
We have plans to add more fatty, cheesy goodness to our little one's diet.