Sunday, July 30, 2006

We've decided to take away Caroline's bag collection for now. Here she is, a few minutes ago, bag-free, and enjoying some of her other play things.


Blogger Melissa said...

Thank goodness you guys have a blog. Without anonymous posters to tell you how to parent, you'd probably have killed little Caroline by now. You better add audio to it; doubtless something you're saying to her is going to scar her for life if you don't get some guidance soon.

Whew! Close one!

July 30, 2006 10:04 PM  
Blogger Lucy said...

I would have laughed really hard if she'd had a large collection of sharp knives in front of her.

re: bags.
A friend of mine received a call from the elementary school saying her child, 6 or 7 years old at that time, was throwing up, come get him. So she takes a bag with her, a clear Ziploc gallon-size one, for him to hold as they drive home, so if he yaks, he can do so in the bag and then Ziploc it shut.

She's driving him home when she hears him say, "Mom! Look at ME!" When she looks in the rearview mirror, he has the bag over his head and has Ziploc'ed his head into it as tight as he can. She promptly turns around to snatch it off him, stepping down on the gas while doing so, drives off the road, and smashes into a tree.

I'm not sure what the moral of this vignette is, but there you go.

July 30, 2006 10:41 PM  

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