Emma came over this afternoon to join Caroline at Turkey Hill Park. Apparently it's now a waterpark - within minutes of getting here, they were both stripped down to their diapers (without any parental prodding or intervention) and demanding the sprinkler be turned on. It was appropriately hot, and when the girls weren't trying to injure themselves on the swingset or by sitting on chairs they had stacked together, they had fun squirting each other with the hose and their drinks. This picture is remarkable in that Caroline allowed Cheryl to put her hair into a ponytail, and left it there for nearly an hour - which is about an hour longer than she had previously allowed. It probably helped that it was an abandoned hair elastic from Emma.
I am loving the new hairdo. Wonder how long it will take her to permit braids.
I think Caroline looks fabulous with an updo.
It's the combination of the hair, the diaper, and the earnest espression, but I want to atch her walk on fire or some similarly swami activity.
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