Not really understanding the no love for Tiger Kim, but everyone we talked to there was very very nice. It's close by, it's a style of martial arts I'm familiar with (I got up to purple belt at Wake Karate Club), and they were great with Caroline. We walked over there after Little Gym one afternoon, because I thought Caroline might want to try out some new things this summer. Am I missing something about their evil?
I walked past one night and watched a kid, maybe ten years old, shriek at his mom (who was wearing street clothes, mind) because she didn't "show respect" to some idol on her way out the door. Then I watched her turn back around inside the doorway and bow. At that exact moment I spotted Tiger Kim's tiger striped Hummer in the parking lot out front.
Those two facts alone made me roll my eyes, but the word on the street was that they pass out belts like candy. This was confirmed the day some preschool Mom tried to explain why her four year old was a fourth degree black belt or some such. I nearly choked to death on the pretzel I was eating.
So, because I'm wildly judgmental, I decided then and there to put Tiger Kim on my Ick list, and there Tiger Kim's has stayed.
I never knew your first name was Jason.
Can you also blame the Tiger Kim thing on the winefest?
Not really understanding the no love for Tiger Kim, but everyone we talked to there was very very nice. It's close by, it's a style of martial arts I'm familiar with (I got up to purple belt at Wake Karate Club), and they were great with Caroline. We walked over there after Little Gym one afternoon, because I thought Caroline might want to try out some new things this summer.
Am I missing something about their evil?
I walked past one night and watched a kid, maybe ten years old, shriek at his mom (who was wearing street clothes, mind) because she didn't "show respect" to some idol on her way out the door. Then I watched her turn back around inside the doorway and bow. At that exact moment I spotted Tiger Kim's tiger striped Hummer in the parking lot out front.
Those two facts alone made me roll my eyes, but the word on the street was that they pass out belts like candy. This was confirmed the day some preschool Mom tried to explain why her four year old was a fourth degree black belt or some such. I nearly choked to death on the pretzel I was eating.
So, because I'm wildly judgmental, I decided then and there to put Tiger Kim on my Ick list, and there Tiger Kim's has stayed.
The End.
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