Caroline is OK
A journal of Caroline's activities to keep Cheryl's anxiety level low.
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- Caroline has an earache. Shockingly, the Super Bo...
- Caroline's at the Grandparents Zuke house, while I...
- We took a sorta spur of the moment roadtrip to NJ ...
- Caroline and I hit the grocery store to stock up o...
- I had to get my vehicle tax bill adjusted (for the...
- The x-rays did not show any fractures. If Carolin...
- Broken foot?
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-->Friday, February 09, 2007
Did you go by the new Spa La-Di-Da, a pampering retreat for girls?
I don't think they did, but I did give Caroline a rather fabulous haircut this week. Sadly, I think I missed my calling as a hairstylist. Crap.
In any case, our girl is a bit under the weather, but is still in fantansit (that's "fantastic" for non-C/EZ's) spirits. still, I'm looking forward to many, many naps this weekend... :)
OK, so at boarding school, this fourth former (tenth grade) was walking around our dorm asking who knew how to cut curly hair. I have no idea why, but I answered that I knew how.
Which was a total LIE.
I think I just thought I could do it if I only visualized it.
And I butchered the poor girl. Her hair, I mean. Butchered.
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