Caroline is OK
A journal of Caroline's activities to keep Cheryl's anxiety level low.
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- We are so bored. It's getting colder by the hour,...
- The Grandparents Zuke came for a visit over the ho...
- If the first 20 minutes of being awake are any ind...
- Caroline has come down with some nasty stomach iss...
- It was 42 degrees out, but Caroline insisted on hi...
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-->Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sweet new ride! Are you going to name it? Trick it out a bit? Get a kickin' customized license plate?
Thanks! We've already installed a phat car seat in the back seat, and we're rocking some dealer-placed paper floor mats. I think that's all the tricking out we can stand.
I'm still a little surprised that we ended up with a Ford considering our insane loyalty to Honda, but I suppose we couldn't resist the siren song of the hybrid SUV.
I really want to put a Bush/Cheney sticker right above the word hybrid. Or even better, a "Cheney '08" sticker. Just for the incongruity.
That's not even a little funny.
Best of luck with the new ride. And please, don't ruin a perfectly good car with a Cheney sticker; that's just plain wrong.
I don't understand what the deal is with the misaligned dealership advertisement sticker on the back. That's quite a testament to detail. Luckily it peeled right off this morning with a little fingernail scraping.
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