Caroline is OK
A journal of Caroline's activities to keep Cheryl's anxiety level low.
Previous Posts
- Caroline has come down with some nasty stomach iss...
- It was 42 degrees out, but Caroline insisted on hi...
- Coinciding nicely with our now clean(er) house, we...
- If we're in my car (still the near-dead Accord, we...
- After a mere 7+ months of living in our new house,...
- Caroline got a Christmas present in the mail today...
- After a week of cleaning, Caroline and I hosted pl...
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-->Friday, January 12, 2007
I hope she feels better soon...for your sake and for hers.
She's already down a pound.
Luckily, she has been asking for Gatorade because she's thirsty. She's also got tons of energy in spite of her 3 early morning eruptions.
I really hope no one else catches this. Especially me. :)
If it's what's going around teh preschool set, it's a two-day virus, with only slight parent casualties so far.
She has had rotovirus already, right? That one's more serious, but you can only have it once.
Yuck! I hope Caroline feels better soon! The stomach flu has been going around out here, and it's nasty. Personally, I'd rather give birth than get the stomach flu.
Feel better, Caroline!
The first 20 minutes were the worst. She has been energetic, eating, and drinking almost like normal since yesterday morning, and it's been staying in.
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