Coinciding nicely with our now clean(er) house, we just learned that the Grandparents Zukowski are coming for a visit this weekend. Caroline is celebrating this morning by refusing to wear pants. She's also now walking around downstairs yelling random words to check out the new echo effect in the emptied dining room.
That might be a problem if the temperature dropped twenty degrees overnight.
Oh, wait a minute.
I've been getting really jealous when you post these pictures of your house. I love your floors and your woodwork.
Don't worry about the unpacking. I think the whole reason to own your own home is to have enough room NOT to have to unpack everything. When you move to your next house, you just toss or donate all unopened boxes, grab bag style.
When your Air Force days are over, you should consider moving out here to Winston-Salem! You'd be closer to Athens, and then we could visit some grandparents at the same time....
Houses are quite nice and reasonably priced.... and we have a symphony in town....
That's because you haven't ever lived anywhere else. It's sunny and warm here a lot of the time. Winter is short. Spring and fall are long. Summer is really no worse than NJ.
And it's cheaper to live here! Matt should be convinced! ;)
It would be nice to live somewhere on the less expensive side. I think we're going to be sad if we move somewhere more expensive than Nebraska (practically everywhere) and have to have a tiny house.
I think North Carolina is on the short list of places we are considering (although, practically everywhere is on the "short list," except Arkansas. I draw the line at Arkansas.)
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