Right now Caroline is sleeping in a hot, humid room. Our upstairs air conditioning has gone kaput a mere 22 days after we purchased this house. Luckily, we have a home warranty, so hopefully, we'll get it fixed tomorrow so we don't need to sleep in our living room tomorrow night. Ugh. This is the gazillionth thing to go wrong with this move. On the upside, we do love the new house, and we're hoping this is the end of our troubles for the next few months. I guess this is what people mean when they ironically refer to the joys of home ownership.
Caroline is OK
A journal of Caroline's activities to keep Cheryl's anxiety level low.
Previous Posts
- Caroline was not too pleased when she had to leave...
- The move from the old place is done, and it took f...
- We hosted playgroup at our new place this morning....
- Caroline is asleep while Jay and I are packing up ...
- We're moving this week, and very busy. Caroline i...
- The family took a whole mess of pictures with 5 or...
- Caroline with Chris's girlfriend Tori.
- Caroline with Beck's friend Ruane (probably spelle...
- Caroline with her cousin Chris.
- Caroline with her Uncle Seth.
You can connect to us right now. Really.
-->Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Yes. That is what we mean.
Don't let it get you down, though. I've noticed that things in houses break in 3s (my mother would say, "People always die in threes." I say, "Appliances always die in threes.") So, once your three are over, you're golden for a while.
If you haven't hit 3, here's wishing your next one is something easy, like a clogged drain.
And if you guys ever need any advice on how to fix stuff, especially stuff broken by -17 degree weather, think of us. We're here for you.
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