Caroline is asleep while Jay and I are packing up our belongings. I'm hoping that when the movers come tomorrow, we will have managed to get the odd collection of under-couch materials out from under it. This whole moving thing has not gone smoothly so far, but we're hoping that the Grandparents Zukowski can bring us some much needed sanity when they arrive tomorrow. So does Caroline, I'm sure.
Caroline is OK
A journal of Caroline's activities to keep Cheryl's anxiety level low.
Previous Posts
- We're moving this week, and very busy. Caroline i...
- The family took a whole mess of pictures with 5 or...
- Caroline with Chris's girlfriend Tori.
- Caroline with Beck's friend Ruane (probably spelle...
- Caroline with her cousin Chris.
- Caroline with her Uncle Seth.
- Grandpa Lerman took the family members still in to...
- Caroline with Uncle Charlie (holding her) and Uncl...
- Caroline with Aunt Trish.
- Caroline with her new uncle, the mysterious JT. C...
You can connect to us right now. Really.
-->Thursday, May 25, 2006
Does moving ever go smoothly? (I mean, once you have more stuff than a futon and a mini-fridge?) Personally, I think moving should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. Every time I move, I think I'm ultra-organized and ultra-prepared. . . but I never am. It's always a huge fiasco.
I love the pictures of your new backyard. You have so many trees! I miss trees. . . .
We can't wait to see more pictures of the new house. Good luck with the move.
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