Despite screaming from her crib to insist on a "nap" (Caroline-speak for getting into bed with Mommy and Daddy) at 5am, we were quite happy to indulge our girl's love of the great outdoors. Temperatures were quite balmy today, so she took a stroll with me and hit the park twice with Jay, logging play time with the Potts twins and her buddy Aaron. I'm not sure who the Euro-looking guy with the lady and baby are on the bench in the background, but I plan to write spy novels about them.
More Caroline-in-the-park shots.

Cheryl, you are absolutely right about the horrors of co-sleeping. My question: WHY do these children want to sleep with us? No one sleeps well when sleeping with another person. Shoot, if I didn't think it would end my marriage I'd even kick my husband out of the bed. Children should be grateful for the ability to have a bed all to themselves that they can stretch out in without being kicked, whacked, or having the covers pulled off their feet in the middle of the night.
Oh, my wasted youth.....
So then you have the terrible dilemma: Should you take the kid into your bed and at least get a little (bad) sleep, or let him/her cry and get no sleep? It's like Sophie's Choice.
Hope you get Caroline back into her own bed soon.
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