We had a busy weekend with trips to the Little Gym, the Children's Museum, and the park . Despite all the activity, last night Caroline woke up around 2:15am and insisted on being near both her parents - when I tried to rock her back to sleep, she screamed for mommy, and after a short stint in our bed, Cheryl tried to rock her while she screamed for me. Good times. She was very happy today, and also up to new tricks, as she discovered that crayons work very well on our kitchen floor. Finally, Cheryl noticed that one of her top front teeth has a little chip in the middle, and we have no idea when that happened. According to Aaron's mom, Michelle, her pediatrician told her that almost all toddlers chip a baby tooth at some point, and the doctors no longer point them out to parents because they're so common yet cause unnecessary angst. Not sure if that's true, but Caroline doesn't seem to mind hers - and if in a few years she does care, we'll get a sweet gold cap for her.

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