Caroline and I went to the playgroup at Tanglewood Park this morning. Despite my prediction that one of the children would be greviously injured on the pointy metal jungle gym, they all seemed to escape unharmed (perhaps I wasn't trying hard enough). Cheryl and I took her to Costco for a sampler dinner this evening and to get cheap flu shots; it turned out that the flu shots are for high risk groups only until October 24th (Cheryl qualified), but at least the samples were good and, more importantly, plentiful. We are indeed living large.

Jay, you should start your own baby photography business and take action shots of other people's kids. You could just follow people around for a whole day, taking candids, like the montages at the start of sitcoms. You could make a fortune if the shots turned out half as good as some of these. Some of these shots of Caroline are just wonderful. Would anyone pay for this service? Adam would be your first customer.
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