Saturday, October 15, 2005

Before I get into today's post, I'd like to say that I think I've figured out why Caroline tried to eat Emma at the Dixie Classic Fair. When she's climbing, she uses her mouth (and teeth) to grip onto things to give her additional leverage. So far on the trip, Caroline has sunk her chompers into several seats on her way to sitting in them. Since Caroline hasn't bitten anyone else since the mommy-nippings this past spring, my hypothesis is that Emma's arm offered a nice, tasty way for Caroline to scramble up into the stroller.

Moving on, today Caroline took her first ride on a merry-go-round with Grandpa. She was a little freaked out at first, but once the ride got going and the horse started going up and down, she loved it and started smiling like crazy. Of course, I didn't bring the camera, so the moment exists only in my mind. It was very sweet.

Also today, Aunt Roberta stopped in and brought some adorable fall outfits for Caroline. We also received a package containing a purple poncho from an anonymous family member. With these new additions and the other clothes Caroline recently received from both of her Grandmas and a bunch of her aunts, our girl is now prepped to be the best-dressed gal in the playgroup.


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