Today marked our 3rd wedding anniversary. Jay bought me two dozen roses in honor of the two good years of marriage we've enjoyed so far*. Caroline wasn't too enthusiastic about celebrating as you can tell here. Today she was far more interested in eating caramel Quakes and trying to give herself a concussion. Luckily, we thwarted her attempts and she is now sleeping peacefully in her crib.
*Ok. That's not true. He bought two dozen because that's how they sell them at Costco.
Happy anniversary!
- E
Happy Anniversary, y'all!
Also, I was just thinking that perhaps Caroline is not impressed because she doesn't watch enough E! television. Does she realize that, in movie-star time, you would be one of the longest-enduring couples in history? Think about it: Three years without scandal, attempted annulments, or either of you coming out of the closet. That's an accomplishment!
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