Monday, October 25, 2004

Jay and Caroline are out hiking. I'm taking five from reading and taking notes 175 pages of mind-numbingly dull and repetitive interviews that I have to use to construct a 3-page section of a paper that my team has to turn in on Friday. Not fun. Today I turned in a write-up of a case for my Quantitative Methods class that should earn me a guffaw or 19 from my professor. My partner and I worked on it for nearly 20 hours over the weekend, yet we failed to come up with an analysis we found satisfactory. Oh well. Tonight I get to meet with my study team at 8 pm to work on another project we have to turn in tomorrow morning.

I really, really hope Caroline sleeps for at least 4 straight hours tonight. I'm so tired I'm nauseated.

I know, I the waaaah-mbulance. :)


Blogger Rebecca, Becca, Mommy said...

So I guess when I complain that Cole goes to bed an hour late (getting about 10-11 hours of sleep in a night) you have very little simpathy for me>

October 25, 2004 6:57 PM  

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