I thought this picture captured the increasing entropy of our home appropriately. I took Caroline over to the school for an afternoon feeding. We then took Cheryl's car to get the driver's side window fixed, and the estimated hour for the job ended up lasting closer to three. Caroline was not happy being strapped in her stroller; I tried to walk around the building to calm her down, but there were quite a few showers that moved through the area. She only managed a few short naps this afternoon, and was super cranky by the time we got home at 5:15. I fed her a little more rice cereal tonight, which she seemed to enjoy but was unable to swallow much. Her favorite sense continues to be taste - everything she grabs gets a licking - so putting a spoon in her mouth isn't very difficult. This picture was taken immediately following her feeding about 6:15 - Cheryl wasn't home from school yet (very busy this week) - and Caroline had me on the ropes. The house is in disarray; there's been little time to clean since returning on Sunday, but hopefully that will change tomorrow after a thorough recharge tonight.
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