Caroline went to her first movie today, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A theatre sorta nearby (30 minutes) has a weekly Movie Moms (discrimination!) club that is designed for parents to bring their young ones - the theatre isn't totally darkened, the sound isn't as loud, and talking is allowed. Caroline was mesmerized for all except the final 20 minutes - the movie was very colorful and well-paced. I enjoyed it a lot as well. On the long drive home, I watched as a car smashed into the back of an suv about two feet from the car while we were doing 60 down a crowded highway - the car's front end was completely crushed and it appeared attached to the back of the suv as they pulled towards the median. Caroline remained asleep (or, more likely, remained passed out from the gas fumes in Cheryl's terrible VW) and didn't stir at all. An exciting afternoon.
just want you to know that i enjoyed visting with all of you yesterday at the house and i went to visit the website tonite and am really enjoying it. caroline is really adorable and a very sweet baby. can't wait till we can all get together again.
joan and mitch
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