She was the happiest ever today - nothing got her down from the moment she woke up babbling to her animals in her crib until going to bed with none of the usual fuss tonight. Caroline can now climb up on the couch (as long as she uses clothes or a blanket to get her started), she responds to the daily routine cues (she runs over to the refrigerator for her yogurt, points at the bananas when it's her morning snack, and goes and pats the bed for her afternoon nap), and gets very excited when Cheryl comes home (either runs to the car or eagerly waves at the window). Unfortunately, she can't talk yet. Unrelated note - when we checked on her last night before our bedtime, she had made a pile of her stuffed animals in her crib and was sprawled out on top of them.
Your baby just gets cuter and cuter every day.
I read your post about her not talking yet. . . are you sure that talking is something that you want to encourage? The sooner they talk, the sooner they can have "opinions" (and frankly, I've never met anyone who's opinions were as worthy as mine ;)
Melissa, Adam's Wife
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