Sunday, February 06, 2005

Batten down the hatches! About 2 hours ago, Caroline lumbered determinedly toward a bunch of wires in an open cabinet. She managed to take about 4 very labored steps before she fell down. A few minutes ago, she took 3 steps toward the TiVO remote Jay was dangling before her. Yay, Caroline!

To stop the insane developmental competition Jay has trumped up between me and my daughter, I declare a tie. See, I was born on my due date, and Caroline was born two days early. Therefore, she took her first few steps the same # of days as I did after the appropriate gestational period. Given t as our respective due dates, her clock started at t = -2, whereas mine started at t = 0, so her + 2 days to walk time evens out with the -2, and we tie. Fuzzy math to be sure, but close enough for government work, and now we can rest easy and stop the madness. Right? Right.

I'm very proud of my little ambler. If we can get her to do it again on film, Jay will post video.


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